
    Switzerland, located on south central Europe, has a population of  8.1 million people. Spoken languages German, French, Italian & Rumantsch. Officially the happiest nation on Earth. The country is a famous tourist destination for its ski resorts and hiking trails. Banking and finance are key industries, and Swiss watches and chocolate are world renowned.


    Panama, officially called Republic of Panama, is a democratic country  located on central America, main activity "The Panama Canal" and commercial activities. Currency US dollars ($) spoken language Spanish (most of the places speak English as a second language). One of the most important and growing country in central America and a  hub for traveling around the world and multiple destinations.


    New Zealand, an island located on southwestern pacific, capital city is Wellington, a British colony an dominated by a constitutional monarchy represented by Governor-General and the legislative authority is vested in an elected, unicameral Parliament, while executive political power is exercised by the Cabinet, led by the Prime Minister, currency New Zealand dollar has an economy predominant by export products as meat, wine alont tourism.


PH SL55 av. Samuel Lewis y calle 55, Piso 27 Obarrio
Panama, Republic of Panama
P.O Box 0816-0153
Phone (+507) 300-2820/22/23
Fax (+507) 300-2821
18, Rue du Marché
1204 Geneva, Switzerland
Phone (+41) 22 338-2096
Fax (+41) 22 338-2099 New Zealand
14 Knox street
Hamilton, New Zealand
Phone (+64) 7 8460-370
Fax (+64) 7 8460-361

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